Dr. Franck Levy
Registered as a member of the Order of Doctors of the Principality of Monaco.- Phone :

Diploma of specialised studies in Cardiovascular Disease at the Amiens University Hospital
Inter-University Degree of the North Region in Echocardiography (Lille-Amiens-Caen-Rouen)
University Degree in Clinical Research Methodology
Inter-University Degree in cardiovascular imaging specialisation in cardiac cross-sectional imaging (Paris HEGP)
Career path
Former full-time Hospital Practitioner at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Amiens.
Former Head of the Echocardiography Laboratory of the Amiens University Hospital
Member of the Board of Directors of the Echocardiography Branch of the French Society of Cardiology.

Aortic stenosis with left ventricular dysfunction.
Quéré JP, Lévy F, Tribouilloy C.
Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss. 2002 Oct;95(10):938-44
When should one operate for severe asymptomatic aortic stenosis?.
Lévy F, Szymamski C, Mahjoub H, Tribouilloy C.
Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris). 2005 Jun;54(3):116-21.
Chronic ischemic mitral regurgitation.
Donal E, Levy F, Tribouilloy C.
J Heart Valve Dis. 2006 Mar;15(2):149-57. Review.
Influence of preoperative left ventricular contractile reserve on postoperative ejection fraction in low-gradient aortic stenosis.
Quere JP, Monin JL, Levy F, Petit H, Baleynaud S, Chauvel C, Pop C, Ohlmann P, Lelguen C, Dehant P, Gueret P, Tribouilloy C.
Circulation. 2006 Apr 11;113(14):1738-44.
Prognostic value of preoperative atrial fibrillation in patients with aortic stenosis and low ejection fraction having aortic valve replacement.
Levy F, Garayalde E, Quere JP, Ianetta-Peltier M, Peltier M, Tribouilloy C.
Am J Cardiol. 2006 Sep 15;98(6):809-11.
Aortic valve replacement for low-flow/low-gradient aortic stenosis operative risk stratification and long-term outcome: a European multicenter study.
Levy F, Laurent M, Monin JL, Maillet JM, Pasquet A, Le Tourneau T, Petit-Eisenmann H, Gori M, Jobic Y, Bauer F, Chauvel C, Leguerrier A, Tribouilloy C.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 Apr 15;51(15):1466-72.
Assessment and management of low-gradient, low ejection fraction aortic stenosis.
Tribouilloy C, Lévy F. Heart. 2008 Dec;94(12):1526-7.
Outcome after aortic valve replacement for low-flow/low-gradient aortic stenosis without contractile reserve on dobutamine stress echocardiography.
Tribouilloy C, Lévy F, Rusinaru D, Guéret P, Petit-Eisenmann H, Baleynaud S, Jobic Y, Adams C, Lelong B, Pasquet A, Chauvel C, Metz D, Quéré JP, Monin JL.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009 May 19;53(20):1865-73.
Quantification of aortic valve area with ECG-gated multi-detector spiral computed tomography in patients with aortic stenosis and comparison of two image analysis methods.
Leborgne L, Choplin Y, Renard C, Claeys M, Levy F, Jarry G, Rey JL, Remond A, Quiret JC, Tribouilloy C.Int J Cardiol. 2009 Jun 26;135(2):266-9.
Effects of age on pulmonary artery systolic pressure at rest and during exercise in normal adults.
Mahjoub H, Levy F, Cassol M, Meimoun P, Peltier M, Rusinaru D, Tribouilloy C.
Eur J Echocardiogr. 2009 Jul;10(5):635-40.
Valvuloarterial impedance does not improve risk stratification in low-ejection fraction, low-gradient aortic stenosis: results from a multicentre study.
Levy F, Luc Monin J, Rusinaru D, Petit-Eisenmann H, Lelguen C, Chauvel C, Adams C, Metz D, Leleu F, Gueret P, Tribouilloy C.
Eur J Echocardiogr. 2011 May;12(5):358-63.
Predicting left ventricular dysfunction after valve repair for mitral regurgitation due to leaflet prolapse: additive value of left ventricular end-systolic dimension to ejection fraction.
Tribouilloy C, Rusinaru D, Szymanski C, Mezghani S, Fournier A, Lévy F, Peltier M, Ben Ammar A, Carmi D, Remadi JP, Caus T, Touati G.
Eur J Echocardiogr. 2011 Sep;12(9):702-10.
Echocardiographic prediction of postoperative atrial fibrillation after aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis: a two-dimensional speckle tracking left ventricular longitudinal strain multicentre pilot study.
Levy F, Debry N, Labescat AL, Meimoun P, Malaquin D, Marechaux S, Rusinaru D, Jeu A, Ennezat PV, Castel AL, Tribouilloy C.
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2012 Oct;105(10):499-506.
Hemodynamic performance during exercise of the new St. Jude Trifecta aortic bioprosthesis: results from a French multicenter study.
Levy F, Donal E, Bière L, Szymanski C, Remadi JP, Flécher E, Fouquet O, Leguerrier A, Tribouilloy C.
J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2014 Jun;27(6):590-7.
Early hemodynamics results of aortic valve replacement with the new St Jude Trifecta bioprosthesis.
Remadi JP, Levy F, Szymanski C, Nzomvuama A, Zogheib E, Gun M, Tribouilloy C.
Int J Cardiol. 2014 Apr 15. pii: S0167-5273(14)00743-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.04.084. [Epub ahead of print]
Should LVEF be replaced by global longitudinal strain?
Szymanski C, Lévy F, Tribouilloy C. Heart. 2014 Jul 21.
The value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in individuals with apparently asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis: a pilot study.
Levy F, Fayad N, Jeu A, Choquet D, Szymanski C, Malaquin D, Peltier M, Tribouilloy C.
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2014 Oct;107(10):519-28.
Long-term mortality associated with left ventricular dysfunction in mitral regurgitation due to flail leaflets: a multicenter analysis.
Tribouilloy C, Rusinaru D, Grigioni F, Michelena HI, Vanoverschelde JL, Avierinos JF, Barbieri A, Pislaru SV, Russo A, Pasquet A, Théron A, Szymanski C, Lévy F, Enriquez-Sarano M; Mitral Regurgitation International Database (MIDA) Investigators.
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2014 Mar;7(2):363-70.
Determinants and Prognosis of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Aortic Stenosis.
Levy F, Rusinaru D, Maréchaux S, Charles V, Peltier M, Tribouilloy C.
Am J Cardiol. 2015 Nov 15;116(10):1541-6.
Low-gradient, low-flow severe aortic stenosis with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction: characteristics, outcome, and implications for surgery.
Tribouilloy C, Rusinaru D, Maréchaux S, Castel AL, Debry N, Maizel J, Mentaverri R, Kamel S, Slama M, Lévy F.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 Jan 6;65(1):55-66.
Feasibility of Doppler hemodynamic evaluation of primary and secondary mitral regurgitation during exercise echocardiography.
Coisne A, Levy F, Malaquin D, Richardson M, Quéré JP, Montaigne D, Tribouilloy C.
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015 Feb;31(2):291-9.
Global longitudinal strain software upgrade: Implications for intervendor consistency and longitudinal imaging studies.
Castel AL, Menet A, Ennezat PV, Delelis F, Le Goffic C, Binda C, Guerbaai RA, Levy F, Graux P, Tribouilloy C, Maréchaux S.
Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2016 Jan;109(1):22-30