No Finish Line 2023

For more than 20 years, the Monaco Cardio-Thoracic Centre has been a loyal partner of the No Finish Line and each year he mobilizes a team to take part in this great race for the heart.

This year, 225 of the Centre’s staff signed up to run under the CCM colors and covered 10,177 kilometers in 8 days, coming 4th out of the 329 teams taking part in the No Finish Line.

An exceptional score and the best since 2018.

Through their commitment, endurance and tenacity in the face of highly-motivated rival teams, they helped to fund projects for disadvantaged or sick children and reinforce the Centre’s commitment to its charitable work.

The next No Finish Line will take place from 16 to 24 November 2024, and the sporting energy of the Cardio-Thoracic Centre’s team will once again be required to put in a successful performance for sick or underprivileged children.



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